Description 3
Llandaff Cathedral
Client: Bishop of Llandaff Location: Llandaff, Cardiff Budget: Status: Ongoing At Llandaff Cathedral, Cardiff, the aim is to broaden the appeal of the Cathedral to the wider community and develop new facilities which will encourage visitors, both national and international and provide an educational environment, as well as revenue for the Cathedral. FPL were appointed by the Archbishop of Wales and the Dean of Llandaff Cathedral to prepare a comprehensive strategy for the master plan, which will comprise a new Heritage/Visitor Centre, Diocesan offices and Choral facilities to the west of the cathedral and which extends to include the listed Prebendal House and other associated historic buildings within the precincts. Alex Finlason worked closely with Cardiff County Council on a brief that will not only fulfil the functional & operational requirements of the Cathedral but also in providing facilities that will have wider appeal and enable this wonderful collection of buildings to become the ‘Jewel in the Crown’ of Cardiff’s tourist attractions. The next stage is for FPL to submit planning applications for the new access road and begin the process of consultations for the works in close proximity to the Cathedral. These new works require significant grant aid and involve the close collaboration of the design and the various client teams.
- Categories: Churches, Listed Buildings and Conservation